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Sexual Health and Education

Why is Sexual Health and education so Important?

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the openness with which people approach sex. This is mostly due to increased exposure to various sex educations, sexual health, professional assistance, growing understanding of how to have safe sex, and better inclusion of sex-related items in the debate. It used to be a taboo subject, a private matter that was only discussed behind closed doors, and people were often hesitant to seek expert guidance. People are more open to experimentation now that they’ve discovered the drawbacks of keeping it a secret. It has a number of health benefits, but it can also serve as a disease entry point. As a result, more openness is required.

What is Sexual Health and Wellness?

Sexual wellbeing is a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being that has something to do with sexuality. Growing sexual wellness knowledge encourages a good and respectful attitude toward sexuality and sexual interactions. This also assures that the couple participating in it has a safe and enjoyable experience free of compulsion, discrimination, or violence. Better exposure would also reduce the risk of obtaining sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or becoming pregnant unintentionally.

What to do to be sexually Healthy?

Understanding that sex is more than just intercourse or masturbation is key to sexual wellness. It has something to do with our overall health, how we feel in our skin, and how close we are to our partner (s).



Condoms, intrauterine devices (IUDs), contraceptive shots and pills, and fertility tracking are all examples of sexual protection today. When it comes to sexual activity, the sort of protection you and your partner choose will be determined by your specific needs as well as theirs. These forms of protection also serve a variety of purposes.

Condoms (which should only be used once unless the manufacturer specifies otherwise) are a multi-purpose tool that can help prevent both pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted illnesses (STIs). Contraceptives are used to prevent conception, but they can also be taken for a variety of other purposes, including PMS relief, acne management, and more.


Sex is more than simply physical attraction. It’s also about mental and emotional well-being, as well as communication and mutual agreement.

Consent entails each person communicating clearly whether or not they wish to engage in any type of sexual activity, as well as ensuring that each partner is of legal consent age (which is age 18). When you’re exploring sexual activities with a partner, it’s always a good idea to check in with them and see whether everything is going well. Similarly, it’s quite OK to say something isn’t right or doesn’t feel right. These types of discussions can contribute to a better overall sexual experience based on mutual consent and enjoyment.

Abuse is defined as any sexual action carried out without the consent of the partner, with someone under the age of consent, or against their will. Reporting it to the authorities can be a cathartic experience that leads to justice, but we recognise that it is a difficult and sensitive thing to do.


Sex is for persons of all ages who have reached the legal age of consent, which is especially true given as developments in modern medicine and understanding of how to care for the human body are allowing people to be more active and healthier as they age. Sex is an activity that may add fun and fulfilment to life, as well as reduce stress and enhance intimacy between couples, whether you’re a young adult, a parent, or an empty-nester. Every age provides its own set of problems and thrills when it comes to sexual activity.

Young adults without children are typically just starting their sexual lives, and this can be an exciting time of self-discovery and identity formation, as long as sexual health is taken into account. Parents, particularly those who are breastfeeding or dealing with pre- and postpartum hormones, may have differing perspectives about resuming sexual intimacy.

Middle-aged and older couples may experience an increase or reduction in sexual desire as a result of life circumstances and hormonal changes, as well as physical infirmity or sexual dysfunction. Each of these scenarios, as well as others, provide different bedroom experiences.


Communication is particularly vital during sexual activity, because a discussion of preferences and wants boosts each partner’s satisfaction and pleasure. While it may take some time to figure out how you and your partner feel about talking about sexuality, these discussions are crucial to building a good sexual connection. Because sexual activity is usually at the centre of a strong intimate partner connection, it helps them feel safe and comfortable while also deepening the closeness of the act and the relationship.

Communication can also improve the quality of more casual interactions. A heightened sexual experience is typically the result of good communication during sex. It’s also important to have these conversations outside of sexual activity since it may be more comfortable for both you and your partner, and it may allow you to think more deeply about how your sexual activity is affecting your sexual health.


Body image is a crucial aspect of sexual wellness. Bodies come in all shapes, sizes, and types, and feeling good about yourself is an important aspect of sexual wellbeing. Stereotypes, mental health difficulties, and disorientation may impede sexual freedom for those who are uncomfortable with their bodies or have heard hurtful messages about them from others.

Changes in hormones and harmful habits or lifestyles, such as addiction or substance abuse disorder, disordered nutrition, self-care decisions, and even self-harm, can all contribute to poor sexual health. Furthermore, a substantial body of scientific research has linked people’s lifestyle choices to their sexual health and performance.

A word from Weesure

Sexual wellbeing is a work in progress for the majority of us. To increase your own sexual well-being, try the following suggestions:

  • Masturbation: Masturbation helps you to explore your body and, when done with a partner, can help you discover more about each other while increasing closeness. Masturbation, on the other hand, aids in the development of self-esteem and body confidence.
  • Exercise: It increases blood flow and energy levels in both men and women, and it also reduces stress, which is the leading cause of libido loss.
  • Be Fully Aware: During a sexual experience, being fully aware improves pleasure, intimacy, and connection. Increase your awareness of what your partner is feeling and consider your behaviour in a sexual scenario with purpose and goal.

Make an appointment with the doctor: There’s nothing wrong with letting medical professionals handle any problems or answer any queries you might have. Get tested on a regular basis and keep an eye on what’s going on below.

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